Medusa Punch recipe

A good and delicious bar mix drink recipe for Medusa Punch, with Zinfandel® white wine, peach schnapps, cranberry juice and sweet and sour mix.

24 oz Zinfandel® white wine
8 oz peach schnapps
8 oz cranberry juice
1 splash sweet and sour mix

Mixing instructions/directions/method:
Fill a container (size of an iced-tea pitcher) almost halfway with ice. Fill to slightly above ice with a decent California White Zinfandel. Add one part peach schnapps, and a splash of sour mix. Fill the remaining space (should be a little less than a quarter of the pitcher) with cranberry juice. Seal and shake vigourously. Serve in glasses.

Serve in a Pitcher

Category: Cocktails / Long drinks

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